Become a member of HPS Herefordshire and Mid-Wales Group and join our friendly group of like-minded people. The Group is not 'stuffy': we are all in the same boat, wanting helpful advice and discussion with others who have a penchant for gardening.
Members range from those just starting out in the world of gardening through those with some degree of gardening skill (for example, knowing the Latin names of plants) to some members who open their gardens under the NGS (National Gardens Scheme) for charity.
Membership fees are £15 for single membership/£26 for double membership. Double membership is for two people at the same address.
If you join us in October, November or December you don't have to pay again until January 2026 so you can get up to three months of free membership of our local group.
As a member of the Group, you also need to be a member of the National HPS Group. Further details on this can be found here.
Once you become a member, you can sign up to join our website by clicking on "Members" in the top right corner of any page. Once authorised you will have access to all our previous newsletters to enjoy at your leisure.

Becoming a member
Membership of the Group is £15 a year for a single person, or £26 a year for two people living at the same address.